
Here is a collection of projects used for SGA Websites ventures that might be handy. Each project has a very simple issue tracker that you can use to submit bugs, ask questions, or even propose tasks and feature additions. You can download each project and use them in any way you want, provided you keep the copryight notice in the distribution. A link back to this site would be appreciated, but not necessary. These projects come with no warranty whatsoever. If you want the latest and greatest code, you can clone the code from each project's mercurial repository.

Django Aggregator

Aggregates all your CSS and JavaScript into highly-efficient files, saving you bandwidth, requests, and time. The aggregator is very easy to use:

  1. Download the files and unpack them to your project directory.

  2. Enable aggregator under INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Place a {% load aggregator %} tag in any template that uses CSS or JavaScript files.

  4. Wrap all your <script> and <link> tags with {% aggregate %}{% endaggregate %}

  5. Set DEBUG = False.

  6. Profit!

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